
Welcome to the High School High Noon Bible Study Blog. We'll be studying the book of James this summer and this blog will be updated after every High Noon event with that days lesson and some key discussion points from the day to help you stay up to date on what's happening at High Noon. This will also allow us to continue the conversation through your comments on a blog post. So feel free to catch up and ask questions.

June 8, 2011

James: The Underestimated

James was an apostle, and the brother of Jesus. The letter that James wrote might be the earliest writing of the New Testament. Despite his apostolic authority, his familial connection, and the fact that he wrote early after Christ, the book of James is not very popular.  James doesn't have a message that's always easy to swallow. Your own beliefs will color how you feel about James. However, love him or hate him, his book is in the Bible for a reason. We will look at the message that James taught to some of the earliest Christians.So join us this summer on Wednesdays at noon for a High Noon confrontation with James.

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