
Welcome to the High School High Noon Bible Study Blog. We'll be studying the book of James this summer and this blog will be updated after every High Noon event with that days lesson and some key discussion points from the day to help you stay up to date on what's happening at High Noon. This will also allow us to continue the conversation through your comments on a blog post. So feel free to catch up and ask questions.

July 20, 2011

On Peacemaking and Boasting

Makers of Peace

King Solomon is considered one of the wisest people from history. Who deserves the "Wisdom of Solomon Award" in your family?
Who did you quarrel with most while growing up?
What purchase is highest on your "wish list"?

Read James 3:13-4:10

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd?

How can you recognize a wise person?
What two behaviors indicate a lack of wisdom?
What does heavenly wisdom produce?
What is the root of fights and quarrels?
What are two reasons we don't have what we want?
What might some other reasons be for unanswered prayer?
When disagreements arise between people what needs to happen?
What desires seem to drive the world around us?
What can we do to overcome the lure of the world?
How does following verses 7-10 improve our relationship to God?

What qualities in 3:17 do you most need to develop in your life?
When you quarrel, do you seek to understand what desire is really motivating you?
Do you pray about this desire?
Where do you need to improve?
How are you most likely to become a friend of the world?
How does coming near to God strengthen you?
Can self-assertiveness and humility co-exist? Where does pride come in?
Are Christians supposed to reflect verse 9? When?


Do you have any idea of what you want to do when you get older?
Do you have any idea of what you want to do this next week? Tomorrow?

Read James 4:11-17

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd?

Now that we've read James think back to the questions asked before we read. What attitude should we have toward our plans?
What four areas of life are discussed in 4:13?
What is wrong with this type of planning?
On a scale of 1 (hardly ever) to 10 (always), how often do you pray about your plans and decisions before making them?
How do you feel about your life being a mist?
Is James telling us to not plan for the future?

Do you approach your career planning/college planning in these terms?
Take a second to think about how 4:17 is true in your life. What situations come to mind?

We have one more week and one more chapter left in our High Noon Bible Study. Enjoy your week.

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