
Welcome to the High School High Noon Bible Study Blog. We'll be studying the book of James this summer and this blog will be updated after every High Noon event with that days lesson and some key discussion points from the day to help you stay up to date on what's happening at High Noon. This will also allow us to continue the conversation through your comments on a blog post. So feel free to catch up and ask questions.

July 13, 2011

Works and Fire

Welcome to this week's High Noon Bible Study. If you were here last week you know that today will have some challenging discussion.

Faith Without Works is Dead

It's easier said than done. That is certainly true for Christianity. That is especially true for the Christian Perfection that James wants us to have.

How many of you ever act without thinking?
How many of you ever think without acting?
Are you more likely to act without thinking or think without acting?
What are some ways that we as Christians don't put actions behind our words?

Read James 2:14-26

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd?

What kind of faith is condemned it verse 14?
In what way does this still happen today?
What is the relationship between faith and works, according to James?
In what way is "faith without works" dead?
What are the lessons from Abraham's and Rahab's examples?
When has your faith been put to the test? What happened?
In what way should the lifestyle of a Christian verify their faith?

If you were in Abraham's shoes, would your "faith" have prompted you to do what he did, or would you trust God to find another way, without climbing the mountain?
If you were arrested for being a Christian what evidence would be used against you?

Fire of the Tongue

An out of control fire can be devastating. Personal belongings going up in smoke, the beauty of nature is marred, even the loss of life itself. Our words can be like an out of control fire.

How have you seen destructive words damage groups?
How have you been hurt by words?

Read James 3:1-12

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd?

Why is it such a big responsibility to be a teacher, especially of the scripture?
What do the examples of the bit, rudder, and fire teach about the importance of watching what we say?
In light of verse 8, what hope do we have in relation to controlling our tongues?

In your everyday conversation, how seriously do you take verse 9?
Jesus and the apostles Peter and Paul were not always very "tame" when it came to the tongue. When is harsh language acceptable?
How do verses 2-10 make you feel about your tongue? How will they prompt you to pray?

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