
Welcome to the High School High Noon Bible Study Blog. We'll be studying the book of James this summer and this blog will be updated after every High Noon event with that days lesson and some key discussion points from the day to help you stay up to date on what's happening at High Noon. This will also allow us to continue the conversation through your comments on a blog post. So feel free to catch up and ask questions.

July 27, 2011

What Awaits and Becoming Whole

What Awaits

Describe some ways that our culture encourages impatience. 
What kind of garden or crop have you planted?
How long did it take for the flowers or food to appear?

Read James 5:1-11

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd?  

What are the two ideas James talks about in this reading?
What crimes have the rich committed?
Is James condemning all rich people?
Do you think of yourself as rich?
Why does James start his second idea with the words "Be patient"?
What are the three examples of patient people given?
How are they patient?

Becoming Whole

What is the sickest you have been?
Do you pray more when you are in trouble or when things are going well?

Read James 5:12-20

Did any thing jump out of the scripture to you? Did you find anything interesting or odd? 

How are you at keeping your word - letting your yes be yes, and your no no?
Have you been feeling more of God's judgment or mercy in the past week?
How does this passage encourage you?
Where in your life do you need God's help to patiently persevere?
Who is someone you admire as a person of prayer?
Who is someone you pray for regularly?
According to this passage, what should you do when you are: In trouble? Happy? Sick? How apt are you to do any of these?
How is confession and prayer a part of the healing process?
What is the connection between the physical and spiritual areas of our life?

Have you ever prayed over someone who was sick or had someone pray over you?
What was the experience like?
Have you even confessed your sins to other trusted believers and received prayer?
When have you come the closest to wandering from the faith? What helped bring you back? How does that demonstrate the healing body of Christ?

Thank you for exploring James with me these last 5 weeks. I have never been so impressed with a group of young people. I'm glad that I got to make this part of my summer here at the church. And remember... If you want to do things like this more often you have to remain diligent.

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